Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm quite certain that anyone who is actually still checking this blog has realized my postings have all transfered to my smugmug where I keep my photos. I started this blog in order to have an online record of some of the photos I took that were most memorable to me and also to have a place to keep family and friends up-to-date on my travels in Latin America. Seeing as both of those have been cancelled out for now I have little reason to continue posting. Besides that I am a terrible writer, so I'm basically going elsewhere in order to avoid embarrassing myself by confining my post to a somewhat text free website.

If you'd like please check back around May 2010 when I will hopefully be moving to Eastern Europe for 27 months! I was recently accepted into the Peace Corps and am waiting for them to inform me which country I will be going to. Although I am not certain, it is likely I will be sent to a location that in general lacks broad internet access, meaning wordy post will be more relevant seeing as people back home just might wanna know again what's happening with me far far away.

Thanks again everyone for checking up on me, and enjoy the archives! 



Ryan said...

I want you to pick out the pictures that are important for me to see!

Sara said...

Oh right...I guess that part was kinda helpful. we'll see.