Sunday, February 18, 2007

Puerto Viejo

Well this past weekend Kate and I went off on our own and spend a day and 1/2 on the Caribbean. The weather couldn't have been more beautiful and the place we stayed at, Rockin' J's, was cool too. We spent $5 to sleep in hammocks outside right at the edge of the beach. While we did end up having an amazing time, we kind of go off to a rocky start. The two of us arrived at the bus station at 5:30 am to get an early start since it's a 4 hour bus ride. Kate had set her bag just to the left of her leg and mine was directly between my legs, where I prefer it at all times while sitting in public. After about 20 minutes of waiting on the bus a man came and sat to the right of me, and I didn't think a thing of him. Then, he turned to us and asked us in English if the pair of glasses he had in his hands in a glasses case were ours. He motioned to the ground right behind him as if he had found them there, but that's when I heard Kate start yelling and running after a man. And yes, this man she was yelling at had her bag in his hand. The fellow put the bag down, never looking back and took off running out of the station. At the same time the man with the glasses had suddenly took off running in a different direction as well. So we had been set up by two guys and they almost got away with it. In fact, Kate got rather lucky. The guy had been a good 15 yards or so from her when she realized her bag was gone, which was probably enough room to where he would have gotten away with it. But after the moment of panick was gone, a lesson was definitely learned. Kate in her hammock at Rockin J's.
These were some of the bathrooms and showers in the middle of the courtyard.
Almost everything was either a mosaic or painted. The place was pretty cool.

1 comment:

April said...

i think you are the person i am most jealous of currently!