Saturday, July 26, 2008

Welcome to Chester, AR

My Grandma Cronin and Aunt Connie came into town from California yesterday and so we all went out to lunch today. And where else in the entire state of Arkansas would my step-dad choose to eat but in Chester, Ar. So after 45 minutes of driving on the Pig Trail and nearly loosing my appetite due to motion sickness(I know, a little pathetic) we arrived at our destination. Here are some highlights. The waitress mentioned that "Bill had an old car he was tryin' to fix up so they could have their very own cop car in town."
Cat right outside the bathroom.
I'm not sure I even know what this means, but so far the town has 3 churches and no cop car.
The antique store did have several very cool old cameras though.


April said...

is that cat alive?

Sara said...

I actually wondered that myself....and I think it was breathing but really who knows. On another note, I went back to my old house today to pick some stuff up and lurking in my front yard was this black cat that was covered from head to toe in caked mud...I mean...I was a little in shock to be honest. I think it had just come back from the dead after having been drowned in a swamp. You really never know...