the cat mafia of fayetteville...having their meetings across the street from my house..? cat their leader..? my cat, code name "suelo" smugling these cats onto my front porch for mass feedings..? Hmmm...
Too many cats. When I wake up and look outside onto my front porch and see !10! cats eating my cats food, I feel a little tripped out. Thats too many cats for my wee porch to hold. !10!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
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Monday, January 16, 2006
So Toby took me to this neat cave called Kiser Cave today, and I got pretty dang muddy. Crawling through keyholes, and sliding down mud declines into the dark can be risky, but oh so fun. If you ever want to have a hiking or caving adventure, just give Toby a call, he'll take you to some pretty sweet places.
Here lies the cave we spelunked.
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Friday, January 13, 2006
Emily, Ellen and Myself put on a mini winter sioree which very quickly turned into a bit of a party. There was wine, fine foods, good cooking from our chef Jeff, beer, hoola hooping, wood splitting, hat tossing, myself showing some cleavage in order to persuade a liquor store employee to sell me rum, wine spills(sorry sarah and ryan), and much much more. Oh, and I did dishes the whole time.
I can't believe we got both of these tables and 10 people into my ity-bity living room.
Jade got a flat tire.
Chef Jeff!
I don't think there have ever been quite so many people in my house before
Then LATE NIGHT came and a lot of the people left. But many of us prevailed and entertained ourselves with various items lying aroung my house. Hats and hoola hoops were the two favorites.
Yea John.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
First hike of the year
Well yesterday I went for not only my first hike of the year, but it was also my dog Sally's first hike ever. It was a nice day, and just chilly enough to where I hardly sweated despite the workout, but warm enough to where I was never cold. I'm fairly terrified of heights, so being on this level of the rock cove was a bit of a trip.
It is soooo dry. Look at the trickle of this waterfall.
Why are flowers like this blooming on January 9th?
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Friday, January 06, 2006
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Ellen and I were throwing a disc in my backyard the other day when we realized what a neat place it was, despite how trashed it had become due to previous dwellers. So we are now in the clean up process, and all that are reading this should look forward to some mighty fine shindigs come the warm weather. yes, there will be dancing.
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Samantha is a wife
So my friend Samantha got married this weekend and I was a bridesmaid. It was all good fun and a bit sureal since this was the first wedding I have ever been in. And now to boot I just found another one of my friends is getting married this month and I am to be one of her bridesmaids as well. Talk about a shotgun marrige!
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