Regionals was pretty fun. SoCo didn't do quite as well (we went 1-5). But we enjoyed ourselves none-the-less because it was the last time some of our players would play with the team.
And here's most of your 2005/06 SoCo team. We totally layed out, a lot.
2 of our 3 seniors about to graduate. I'm confident they're ready for life.
It was muddy. I think Vicki liked it.
And I mean, very muddy. This is one of the endzoned we played on on Sunday. Our last game on Saturday was crazy due to the terential downpour, slight winds, and the fact that about 90% of our field was a striking resemblence to a kiddie pool.
This part was pretty fun. It started pouring down rain and some people saw lightning, so everyone at the tournament had to huddle together on the porches of this two story building.
Most of Arkansas had a great view from the second story of people laying out for discs in this gravel ridden drainage ditch.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
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Ice... cool. If you ever have the time, you should look into some of the incredible and powerfull effects ice can and does have on the world. It's a little mindboggling. But maybe none of you all really care about ice...
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Out With The Old
I'm actually gonna miss this little thing. It's so dang cute and small. BUT, 2GB is just not enough...right?......
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Spring days
There are just so many flowers starting to bloom, I don't know what to do with myself. Sooo...I just take lots of photos of them and make everyone be jealous of my garden.
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Friday, April 14, 2006
So, here's a funny story for ya...
Last night I decided it was about that time to restock on a few essential groceries. So, as usual, I caravaned down to good old Wal-Mart to take advantage of the cheap prices, and wide variety of product. About half way through my shopping trip, I start pushing my cart away from the shampoo aisle, and trek on over to the Easter section to buy some grass for my basket this Sunday. Now for those of you who know me, you won't be surprised to hear that I became slighty sidetracked when I came upon a free sample of a chocolate cookie item. I think that's about the time that I parked my cart against a box full of giant rubber balls, took my free sample(and then some) and ventured into the napkin and plastic cup section. When I came back to "my cart" a minute or two later, arms laden with essential life products, I began to place these items in "my cart." Then suddenly it hit me. The items in the shopping cart I had parked by the rubber balls were not mine, and my original cart was no where in sight. Now this is the part of the story that I am most frightened by I suppose, because the level of consciousness that my memory is working at is around 2%. So at this point in my journey(please do not ask me why I did the following, because even I cannot recall the answer) I for some reason decide that I must have been mistaken about the rubber ball cart and left mine over by the free chocolate cookie samples. So with a new and very confused mind, I head on over to the dairy section to restock in milk and orange juice. This is when I came across an old friend of mine, Sara Lawhorn(used to be Burton), and we began to chat about life issues. I grabbed a gallon of 2% milk and began telling her the story of taking the wrong cart, when low and behold I discovered that the items in my new cart were once again not what I had gotten. I couldn't believe I had done it again and Sara and I had a good laugh over the whole situation. I then decided that I must have left my cart over by the shampoo, and Sara said she would accompany me back to my original carts location. We made it over to our destination to find that I had in fact left my cart there in the first place, and I was very relieved to find it in tact. Sara and I then did some more shopping together in order to catch up on old times. After we finished, we were both headed to check out and sharing a good laugh over my cart dilemma, when she looked over and discovered that once again, the cart I was pushing was not mine. We nearly fell over from sidesplitting laughter, and wondered where my groceries could be this time. Luckily, they were only around 5 aisles back, and once again, all my items were in place.
So the moral of the story is that if you ever find your cart at Wal-Mart missing, just look for me and you're sure to solve the mystery.
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Bumble Bee
I managed to get a quick picture of this little fellow in the polination process. By howdy, I love living in the woods.
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Well sectionals were this weekend and I didn't really end up getting too many photos, but here's what I found on my camera on monday. SoCo went 3-4, but that's ok because we still qualify for regionals. I didn't get to play on sunday except for the beginning of the first game and the last half of the last game because no one at tims would cover my shift. But oh well. Some of us got tuckered out early due to hard playing and the harsh sunlight.
Our new jerseys and design, up close and personal.
Paige really is a badass.
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So it turns out that my dog buries her bones. I really thought that that sort of thing only happened in the cartoons, but no, it's real life. I found both of these bones by investigating a suspicious pile of mulch and dirt in my flower garden. And then when I told my mom about the situation, she informed me that she just recently found two stale hotdog buns buried in the hay. So that's a funny story. Yum! I wonder what animal Sally found this bone from.
On a further note, I hope you are noticing the beginnings of a new flower in the photo I just planted this winter that is now just peeking above the soil surface.
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Thursday, April 06, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Finally Spring!
It's finally springtime and all of the flowers and plants are beginning to bloom. I don't know about anyone else, but this warm weather and these budding blooms have me super excited. I'll most likely have more photos to come once some more plants start to flower. But what I have in photos below, happened pretty much overnight. This might merely be a weed, but it's also a symbol of summer for me.
The redbuds started blooming around two days ago.
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Sunday, April 02, 2006
Fools Fest 2006
Well this weekend was kinda strange and wild. Despite the fact that SoCo went 1-3 we all seemed to have a rather fun time. The stand out player of the weekend was probably Jen Gray, but everyone did really well. Our best game was most likely our last game, and yes, that was the one game we won. It was surprisingly not hardly windy at all. I mean, it's Kansas. Oh well, all in all I think that this is a tournament I am interested in returning to in the years to come. As legend holds, each one of the coins on this waist wrap represents a person killed by the scoundral pirate Iron Ethel.
Look! We scored!
What a circus freak.
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Maybe not everyone likes this little game...I sure do though!
The team! What a bunch of hardworkin' ladies.
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The Party...
The Fools Fest party was held at the Granada. I personally liked the venue and the band was kind of a funky jazzy freestyle band. They were fun to dance to and were fairly talented at playing their instruments as well. It was a pretty good time. The Band
Princess Lea! (The buns are there, I promise)
This one's for Joel and Renata
This poor girl loved every minute of her situation.
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