Summer League 2006...This will be good.
Team Taylor Roster(alphabeticaly reversed):
-Will Richardson
-John Clark
-Evan McCall
-Evan Kirkconnel
-Caleb Johnson
-Brett Carr
-Billy Lorton
-myself of course
-Rachel Tebbetts
-Kilby Kirkconnel
-Casey Cromer
Thursday, June 29, 2006
My team has it goin' on
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Monday, June 26, 2006
Summer Solstice 2006
Summer Solstice was this weekend, and the weather was not quite as hot as I was expecting. From the rumors from last year, I was prepared for full on desert waste land heat (i.e. Oklahoma). Most likely the ice-machine under the building, and all of the cold beer did a number to satisfy any hot body around. I played with a womens team mostly comprised of fayetteville women, but we also had a few other ladies, and I feel as if we had a chance to win the tourny, although we didn't. Our first two games on Saturday we lost by 2 points during the time cap, and as it turned out, both of those teams played against each other in the finals. Other than that, we won our next four games, and lost our 7th game of the weekend by one point in the cap on Sunday. All around I had a great time, and was thoroughly satisfied with camping right next to the fields we played on. There were lots of these fun little carts that we got to ride and drive around in. Very convenient of course.
After the games on Saturday some people broke out a huge slip and slide.
For our hygene needs, there were out-door showers provided for us.
Paige with her two loves: Camping and makeup.
A few of us escaping the heat.
This is just a pretty sunset from the drive on the way there.
I love my tea cup.
No, this picture is not fake. I was there. And yes, I love my cup.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
2 times the fun
Well Chappy has gone to Colorado forever and ever and we will never see him agian. At least thats what I told him whenever he was leaving. No worries, I'm sure the bugger will be back, and if nothing else we could always pay him a visit up in CO. But here below is the combination of his going away shindig, and Daniel's 22nd birthday. Our generous host provided LOTS of delicous BBQ and other treats for our hungry mouths, not to mention several games played with, well, you guessed it, a frisbee. See ya Chappy!
Here is Daniel being tackled and thrust into my kiddie pool. Which was most unfortunately only filled with water. He's a tough lass to get down.
The folks all enjoying themselves.
I'll tell you what, there was no better place to be in this house than directly in front of the air conditioner. It was like some sort of watering hole in the middle of the dessert.....kinda. But here is Vicki, Samantha and I enjoying not only the cool and incredibly invigerating air, but also samantha scratching our backs.
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Friday, June 16, 2006
So I cut off all of my dog Kima's hair today, with the exception of her head and tail. I don't remember the last time that I giggled for an hour straight while cutting a dogs hair off. For those of you who remember what a fluffball she was, maybe you will laugh too, but you'll have to wait till you see her in person. The worst part was that she knew I was laughing at her the whole time so she was totally depressed.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Wakarusa Music Festival 2006
So a few of us went to Wakarusa in Lawrence Kansas this last weekend and it was Soooo fun. I saw around 25-30 bands and had the time of my life. The weather was particularly scorching during the day and was pleasantly cool during the night, with some rain on Saturday. I can't wait to go again next year. Don't we look like we're having more fun than than is possible.
Sarah and I finding shade under a giant mushroom while waiting for Donna and the Buffalo's to come on.
The moon was especially cool on Saturday and Sunday night.
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There was a beachfront located right across the street from our campsite.
Melanie, myself and chelsea during the Gov't Mule show.
Sarah locking up her bike. The three of us took our bikes and boy am I glad that we did.
During the Sound Tribe Sector 9 show this space aged emergency blanket was all that was keeping me warm.
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A HUGE drum circle.
Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips came out IN A GIANT BUBBLE. If you'll look closely toward the left side of the photo, you will see the bubble along with wanyne in it. woahhhh.... and yes, he is crowd surfing in it.
Bob Schneider and his band.
Something about a secret pocket during the Truckstop Honeymoon show.
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Hundreds and hundreds of pipes. They were all really amazing looking. (Don't worry mom, I didn't buy one)
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