Well this past weekend a few of us Fayetteville people trucked it on over to Mountain Home to "play ultimate frisbee." In the end, there was a little playing, but mostly just a bunch of us hanging out at the lake, and jumping off the roof of a party barge. Next year though, the "Devival," as John and Joe called it, will happen again, and with any luck, bring in a few more teams. Here is team dream, of fayetteville.
This is John about to attempt to wakeboard.
Travis making a leap.
The view down from the roof of the party barge, and Joy chasing a dog in the water.
Again, travis laying out for that disc.
The prefered method of keeping your beer afloat while floating yourself.
And here is Roger giving an example of how to do this best.
T-lort acting like a pimp with no hoes.
Sunset from the boat.
Lance's really cool portable disc golf basket, and wayne missing all the shots.
EJ, Joes son, with an arrow buzzed into his hair.
After playing a game on Sunday, a few of us decided it would be in our best interest to head on down to the river to cool off.We even set up our tent in the water.
Yes. That is in fact a grill in the front of the boat.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
To the Beach!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Now this isn't quite as "pretty" of a picture as some of the others that I post here, but I like this one equally if not more. The thing that I like about this close up of a candle wick, is that you are emmediately allowed to start to use your imagination as to what else could be going on here. Grant it, if you are not able to leave the box, then this kind of thing is not for you. But the way that the wick meets the wax, and how the blue line of the hottest part of the flame hoovers just to the opposite side of the large yellow flicker, is really cool to me. Oh ya, and I like the smooth watery effect of all of the reflections.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
So last night Jade and I had nothing to do. Sooo......we went and got ice-cream from Braums and decided to go eat it at the highschool football stadium field since it was around midnight. We took pictures, and looked rather rediculous hanging out at a high school. Then some fellows came along to practice soccer and the first thing they did was say to us; "Hey what's up ladies? What are you two doing beside being creepy?" We were a bit taken aback but decided to play out the creepy card a little further since they decided to pin us as so. So we pranced about and took pictures of each other as if we were posing for our seniour photos. That's about the end of the story.........uuummmm.....here are a few of our pictures.
Oh. And here's Jade and Jeff making out in front of a fountain.
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Naked Ladies
Surprise Lilies, Naked Ladies, or Pink Ladies; whatever your fancy is to call them they are in bloom right now in my front yard. They were in fact a bit of a surprise, seeing as two days ago was the first time that I had even noticed that anything was growing in the places where they sprouted from.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Sandblast 2006
So this past weekend 6 of us Fayettevillians trucked on up to Chigago to play in the Ultimate tournament Sandblast. I'm gonna say right off the bat that it rates in my top 3 tourny's ever. Maybe even space one or two. The team I played on, Team Gladiators, was in the spirit division which made the whole shebang that much more fun. I was the gladiator Zap, but a few others were Siren, Lazer, Malibu, Thunder, Blaze, Blazer, and many more. We went 3 and 4 (I think), but it didn't matter because I'm fairly certain everyone had a blast. A big thanks to Rachel Driver and her roomate Judy who let us stay with her, and with any luck they will let us back next year. Team Gladiators.
5 on the line. I absolutely loved the format of play on the sand. With smaller fields and only 5 people to cut in that space, it made games way easier than I first anticipated.
Here comes Joy looking to pick a fight.
And of course the two of us battling it out to the end like all true gladiators do.
Malibu and Wayne being Zima'd. (How does one say that?)
Strawberry vs. Siren
Our impressive inventions allowed us to determine who won the pull through battle.
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Gin Swirls of course.
Our awesome cheers totally rocked. Here we are about to impress everyone around us.
Around 11 am on Sunday, the torrential winds did irreversible damage to our tent, and so here are a few of us forced to nap in the shade of a tree.
I think we're winning!
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Toward the end of our last game, Team Gladiators finally got to reveal their true selves. With pleasure, I announce our underwear point.
Isn't it obvious how much our men love bearing skin?
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Here is Megan Reagan and Rachel at the party.
The club was called Cherry Red, and boy was it.
This was just before it was announced that Team Gladiators had won the party. Fayetteville sure knows how to take care of business.
In the foreground: Thunder. In the background: Rachel and Megan treating the TD right with Crissy fast approaching.
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So on Monday after the tournament, us Arkansas folk decided to stick around Chicago for a day and check out the King Tut exibit at The Field Museum. I was actually a tiny bit disapointed because they would not let us take photos while browsing the ancient Egyptian artifacts, and there wasn't even actually of Tutankhamun or any of his cofins. But none-the-less it was very neat to see all of the objects in real life that I have been looking at in text books since I was in Elementary school. The actual museum itselft wasn't too bad either, but I'm not gonna lie, I've been to better. I didn't really learn anything I didn't already know in the 5 hours I was there. This is the memorial to all of the U.S. war groups. You know, the army, navy, etc.
Some sculptures.
The only king tut picture I got, while in the gift shop.
Meet Sue. She/he is 13 ft tall and 42 ft long, and 67 million years old. They named this Tyrannosaurus rex Sue after the lady who found it.
Totem pole?
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Fireworks and Cowboys
Ellen and I decided to saddle up this 4th of July and head on out to the Rodeo! I must admit it was worth the cash to get in, and my body is still punishing me for the caramel apple, funnel cake, and greasified homade cheesy potato chips I devoured. As you're about to see, the Rodeo is definitel where it's at. Cherry limades and cowboy boots. Not to mention the awsome wood plank bleachers with seating numbers burned in with a marking iron.
Yup. Nuf said.
Right here a cowboy is about to wrangle up this running white calf and tie him up by the neck and legs. It was actually quite sad to watch, and I had to turn my head once or twice.
Here is Ellen and I's "I'm bout' to saddle up on that there horse and show em' all how we do it here in the south" faces. As you might be able to tell, Ellen and I have two different images in our minds.
MMmmm.....Fireworks show.
The show actually lasted about 20 minutes, which is way too long in my opinion. I wasn't even watching by the end of the 2nd song. My camera has this cool fireworks setting though that I took full advantage of.
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