I feel like I see Praying Manti as often as I see squirrels around these parts.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sectionals in Memphis
SoCo had their first tournament this weekend in Memphis, and we went 3-2, putting us in second place. It was a "short" one day tournament because there wern't a heck of a lot of teams. Five games in a row though without breaks, can be rather trying on a hot day in Tennessee. Coach Heather.
7 on the line.
Coach Heather's baby.
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Beale Street
Lizzie and I. And I'm kida verging on mulletness. Maybe I should fix that.
There was this crazy acrobatic man doing really superb flips in the street. These people are possibly pointing at the live goats hanging out on a terrace across the street.
People watching was the main event(besides the great music coming from all directions). Here are two fellas getting their bling on and showin' off theys grillz. My favorite though, was the pink silk playboy bunny outfit the bald man in the background was sporting.
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Hey Look!
I'm going to go ahead and redirect everyone to my brothers blog right now. He's not in Bangladesh anymore, he's over in Panama. So if you want you can take a quick gander at some of the photos he's taken recently, which are pretty cool if you ask me. And his latest adventure isn't half bad either.
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Friday, September 08, 2006
Is it just me?
Or are spiders frightening. This one thought it would be nice to feast just outside of my living room window.
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Monday, September 04, 2006
Nooga Nooga
Chattanooga was this weekend and I suppose we all had a rockin' time. Here is a little documentation of the party, because I didn't manage to take any photo's at the fields. Cowboys and indians.
Stevie and Allison.
Vikki n' Joy
No explination
Yay! We won the party and so here is our trophy!
Oh, and we ran into some drag....
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Ben's new style
So on Friday night, just before the tournament started, good ole' BWB allowed us to trim his locks for the weekend. If you want to see his doo, you'de better see it now because Joel is scheduled to shave it off any time now. Ben before.
It was all about teamwork.
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