It was such a beautiful day today that Turk and I decided to go on a tiny little 4 mile hike around a trail near my house. The weather was amazing for sure. Pond near my house.
It turns out there is this creepy little shack right off the trail pretty danged close to my house.
A little carwheelin' on an old foundation.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Easy little hike
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Myself, my mother, my stepdad and his two sons all spent christmas together this year and it was quite the experience. Long story short, I'm goin' to vegas in a week. My stepdad Jeff and his son my stepbrother Amos opening up stocking stuffers. What could it be? More breath mints?
Dessert, lemon icebox pie...mmmmmmm.....
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
And the Draft...
Team Tease: (in alphebetical order)
Adam Crosson
Billy Lorton
Caleb Johnson
Caleb Shelburne
Evan McCall
Joe Garrett
king kharl
Kevin Henely
Pat Behnam
Ryan Mc...
Angela McKenna
Danielle Allen
Emily McCall
Maggie Johnson
What up Winter League 2008!
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
We. Are. Done.
School? We are so over it. So as an added bonus to finishing up for the semester, I found my old lava lamp that hasn't worked in years. I decided though upon discovering it that I would give it one last chance before giving it the boot, and what do you know it works again! Brings back those memories of being 10 again like it was yesterday.
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Egg Nog Challenge 2007
I arrived just in time last night to be the last sampler of both homade nogs and store bought nogs. There were 10 total, 5 homade and 5 from the store, with the winner being Southern Comfort Nog. SoCo players with the SoCo nog.
Then a little trip around a few blocks in circle.
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Monday, December 03, 2007
Federico Garcia Lorca
So tomorrow I am to give a presentation over a Spanish literary work of my choice, and I chose to examine a poem by Federico Garcia Lorca called "Llagas de Amor." I normally wouldn't make a post about something school related, I suppose with the exception of the post directly below this one, but I really thought that this poem in particular was beautiful. So, if you like this kinda thing, I have posted the spanish version first, and then the translation of it. Be mindful though that my spanish is still somewhat rocky, so don't judge if the translation isn't perfect, just let me know and I will make the proper adjustments. I had trouble translating line 6, if anyone could help that would be great.
Esta luz, este fuego que devora.
Este paisaje gris que me rodea.
Este dolor por una sola idea.
Esta angustia de cielo, mundo y hora.
Este llanto de sangre que decora
lira sin pulso ya, lúbrica tea.
Este peso del mar que me golpea.
Este alacrán que por mi pecho mora.
Son guirnalda de amor, cama de herido,
donde sin sueño, sueño tu presencia
entre las ruinas de mi pecho hundido.
Y aunque busco la cumbre de prudencia
me da tu corazón valle tendido
con cicuta y pasión de amarga ciencia.
This light, this fire that devours.
This gray landscape surrounding me.
This pain from a single idea.
This anguish from the sky, world and time.
This weeping blood decorates
Already without pulse, lubrica tea.
This weight of the sea that strikes me.
This scorpion dwelling on my breast.
They are the garland of love, bed of hurt,
Where without dream, I dream of your presence
Among the ruins of my collapsed chest.
And even though I seek the summit of prudence
Give me your veiled heart hanging
With hemlock and passion for bitter knowledge.
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