Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
day trip
On Wednesday my friend Brandon and I went for a day hike out in Newton county down Indian Creek. Our goal was to reach and see the "Eye of the Needle," which is pictured below. October is my favorite month which was proved reasonable by the beautiful scenery we came across as we trekked up and down boulders for 6 miles more or less.I'm really glad I decided to go ahead and put new batteries in my camera at this point of the hike or I would have missed this photo above.
Seeing as I was walking behind Brandon most of the day, he is pictured in a lot of photos.
From the other side of the "Eye of the Needle."
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Monday, October 13, 2008
Am I a Sarah bandit?
Some say that this young lady and I look alike, but when Sarah Hughes and I stand side by side I'm fairly certain that we just look like plausible sisters. In the past bartenders have asked, "Sarah, would you like a drink?" And when I respond yes and they give me a drink and say it's on the house, I always wonder if they think they have just given a drink to Sara Taylor or Sarah Hughes the local folk singer. I would have to make an educated guess that around once a week at the least someone tells me they really enjoyed my show the other night, and around once a month I get a big hug from someone asking what I am doing in town, since Miss Hughes recently moved to Austin. It's not really a hard life being a faux Sarah, so maybe I'll just grab a guitar and milk it for all the sweet beer I can drink.
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Monday, October 06, 2008
I love weapons
It turns out light sabors are really fun to play with, especially when you can use the iPhone light sabor simulator at the same time. And yes mom, this is in fact what I do all day long.
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