Yesterday was our official swearing ceremony in the house of the U.S. ambassador. The vice-president of Panama was present, as well as the first lady of Panama and the ambassador to the United States. Afterwards many of us went out to Casco Viejo to celebrate the day many of us have been waiting for for almost 2 years.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Swear in!
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Monday, June 21, 2010
Boat access only
I made it out! The jungle is nice, refreshing and dense. I have a feeling that Colyn and my mom are the only two people that will see these videos or read this, so this one's for you guys. A couple things to note from the trip:
1)The average spider is the size of my entire hand
3)I bath in a river, and a beautiful one at that.
4)My floor is made of treebark
5)I'm painted and look like i have tatoos now
6)rice, rice, rice and fried plantains. my belly is taking a toll....
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Sunday, June 13, 2010
Culture day!
This last Friday we had a big culture day in the Congo. This included native dress, music, dancing and best of all...FOOD! For future reference, the skirt I am wearing here is a traditional Emberà skirt that all the women will be wearing in my site(except they won't be wearing tops, we'll see whether i decide to or not). By the way everyone, I'm gonna be living in a National Park for the next 2 years! Pretty sweet, eh?
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