On Sunday, our last day, we all hiked less than a kilometer to the Monte Verde National Park where we scaled the mountain. It was one of the most beautiful hikes I've ever experienced, but because it was so dim I didn't get all the pictures I wanted(like I really need more), but am happy with a few I got.

Kind of an interesting plant with goo stuff seeping out of it. It was rather large too. That clump of goobidy is larger than the size of my fist.

Us in front of a strangler tree.

This itty bitty leafed moss felt like nothing. When you brushed your finger up against it, it was so soft you thought it was just a breeze passing over your hand.

Beautiful path through the jungle. It was hard though to get a steady picture without a tripod. It was too dark and so I had to lean my camera up against things such as trees, hence the moss in this photo. Sometimes I liked the effect though.

A beautiful rubbery feeling flower on the ground.

Crawled inside a tree and took a photo looking up into it.

Looking down into the depths a tree.
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